What is Front & Back 9 Junior Golf Academy?
Front & Back 9 Junior Golf Academy is a non-profit organization that provides the opportunity to enhance the lives of youth in North Carolina by introducing them to the game of golf and teaching them the core values of the game.
What does Front & Back 9 Junior Golf Academy do?
Front & Back 9 Junior Golf Academy of Wake County will introduce youth to alternative professions which offer lucrative careers and salaries. Front & Back 9 students will be encouraged to actively give back to the community through their involvement with various service projects.
Who is Front & Back 9 Junior Golf Academy for?
Youth between the ages of 6-17 and who maintain a “C” average or greater are eligible to be Front & Back 9 Junior Golf Academy students. Due to the complexity of the game, these students must have an interest in the game of golf and strong parental support.​
Why is this organization needed?
The concept for Front & Back 9 Junior Golf Academy was conceived while watching the ESPN program "Uneven Fairways." This program highlighted financial hardships that frequently prevent youth from being exposed and playing the game of golf. I have played this game for over 8 years and have found it to be beneficial in numerous areas of my everyday life. This program will introduce youth to the game of golf, as well as offer financial assistance while teaching them the core values of the game which can be applied to everyday life.